7 Ways Camping Can Improve Your Mental Wellbeing

 view that demonstrates camping can improve your mental health.

Imagine if, instead of your boss yelling, you were listening to birds chirping; instead of printer noise – the murmur of water. It sounds a bit too good to be true, doesn’t it? Nowadays, we all seem to have forgotten that we came from nature and need to live in sync with it, not the other way around. However, a little hiking and camping trip from time to time can be an excellent way to stay in touch with our natural roots. Not only will every cell in your body enjoy it, but camping can improve your mental wellbeing too.

1# More oxygen to clear your mind

When you’re out in the wild enjoying the swirling of the wind between the livid green sprigs, the trees protect you from the polluted air you are constantly exposed to. During photosynthesis, these guardians of the forest fill the air with pure oxygen while getting rid of carbon dioxide. That way, they are not only cleaning your lungs – they are clearing your mind. While camping in the wild, you expose yourself to more oxygen. It all resolves in your bloodstream, and your heart starts pumping it to your brain. Enough oxygen in your blood is crucial for your brain’s normal function and development. The benefits are significant:

  • Your mind will feel more clear;
  • Your thoughts will be less over the place;
  • You’ll find it easier to focus.

So, if you have an important dilemma you can’t solve, go camping for a few days.

 A brain and a neuron
Your brain will be grateful for the breeze of fresh air full of oxygen.

2# Less pollution damage to your neurons

Clean air benefits your neurons in more ways than one. Polluted particles you usually breathe in destroy your neurons slowly over time. Did you know that prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases is now higher than ever in history? Some scientists argue that it’s directly connected with enormous gas emissions and the overall ecological red zone we’re in. Breathing in polluted substances exposes our neurons to constant stress, sometimes leading to irreversible damage. It’s good to give your neurons a break by spending some time away from dirty city air.

3# Master the memory games

We already mentioned how crucial oxygen is for the brain’s development and function. One of the areas that highly depends on oxygen levels is the hippocampus. The hippocampal area is essential for deciding which information and stimuli from your environment become a memory and which goes to the ‘trash’. Maybe you noticed how you can never study in a stuffy room. Or, that important meeting was blurred entirely in your mind because you were sleepy and no one opened a window. Lack of oxygen makes the hippocampus incapable of doing its job properly. Luckily, camp places have a lot of oxygen for use! Bring some fun memory games with you and see for yourself.

4# Sleep better

Being in the fresh air and away from light-emitting tech gadgets can also be a blessing for good sleep. The circadian rhythm of nature corresponds to your essential circadian rhythm. The pineal gland in your brain is ‘programmed’ to secrete certain hormones depending on how much light your eyes receive. But, we often trick it with artificial light sources, which is why many people nowadays have messed up sleeping schedules. Star gazing in the dark from your tent can help your pineal gland reset its natural rhythm and give you a healthy deep sleep.

You’d want to make it permanent

People who regularly camp might find themselves wanting to move to a more chill climate in an area full of forests. However, if you currently live somewhere hot and humid, proceed cautiously. It would be best to check out with your professional movers about the climate before moving to know what to expect and prepare for it.

A tent under a sky full of stars.
Stargazing before sleep is the most heavenly experience.

5# Detox from the stress

One of the main benefits of better sleep during camping is reduced stress levels. Everyday stress can be considered a regular toxin on the cellular level. When you experience stress, your cells produce many free radicals – molecules that damage the cell. When your pineal gland works and you sleep properly, it releases a lot of melatonin – the most potent antioxidant in your body. That way, your body regenerates and recovers from stress, feeling refreshed and relaxed in the morning. In other words, this is one of the best ways camping can improve your mental wellbeing.

6# Greenery keeps you calm

People who spend time outdoors, whether it’s a view of a park from their workplace or a daily drive through trees, have been proven to be healthier and happier. Many scientists agree that exposure to wide shades of green has a favourable effect on mental health. When you spend time in nature, even for only a few nights, your mood will improve, and your outlook on life will change. The whole environment can help you overcome anxiety and fear. green is quite the calm colour, and you’ll be too after exposure to it.

7# Socializing while camping can improve your mental wellbeing

Survival in the wild is what made the first homo sapiens socialize. So, camping in the wilderness can be a perfect opportunity to keep in touch with your primal core. Make a tribe out of your friend group or family! Finding ways in the forest together can strengthen your bonds with them. Also, the time you invest in these relationships away from everyday stress will benefit your mental health significantly. You can make a fun little game by lighting a fire or just enjoy the peace and quiet with your loved ones. Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, camping can be quite enjoyable with company.

A family camping.
Nothing bonds people more than spending time together in peace and fresh air.

Bottom line

As you see – camping can improve your mental wellbeing. So, make sure to take the first opportunity and find it out firsthand. Take a minute to reconnect with nature deep inside. You won’t regret it.